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version:1.0.0 | depends: | published:2016-09-05

Model Averaged Double Robust Estimation


Estimates average treatment effects using model average double robust (MA-DR) estimation. The MA-DR estimator is defined as weighted average of double robust estimators, where each double robust estimator corresponds to a specific choice of the outcome model and the propensity score model. The MA-DR estimator extend the desirable double robustness property by achieving consistency under the much weaker assumption that either the true propensity score model or the true outcome model be within a specified, possibly large, class of models.



version:1.2 | depends:R (≥ 3.0.2), MASS , ggplot2 | published:2016-03-10

Sparse Bayesian Models for Regression, Subgroup Analysis, and Panel Data


Sparse modeling provides a mean selecting a small number of non-zero effects from a large possible number of candidate effects. This package includes a suite of methods for sparse modeling: estimation via EM or MCMC, approximate confidence intervals with nominal coverage, and diagnostic and summary plots. The method can implement sparse linear regression and sparse probit regression. Beyond regression analyses, applications include subgroup analysis, particularly for conjoint experiments, and panel data. Future versions will include extensions to models with truncated outcomes, propensity score, and instrumental variable analysis.



version:1.42 | depends:lme4 | published:2014-04-05

Stratification and matching by the propensity score


This package offers a comprehensive data analysis if stratification and matching by the propensity score is done. Several functions are implemented, starting from the selection of the propensity score model up to estimating propensity score based treatment or exposure effects. All functions can be applied separately as well as combined.



version:1.0 | depends:R (≥ 2.14), R2jags , Matching , boot | published:2013-06-06

Incorporating Uncertainties in Propensity Scores


This package includes functions to incorporate uncertainties in estimated propensity scores and provide adjusted standard errors for making valid causal inference.
